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Poncelet Ileleji

Poncelet is a computer scientist with over 25 years of experience in the field. he has ben involved with the use of ICT Aas a tool for sustainable development both as the founder and CEO of Jokkolabs Banjul. he has served as a consultant for several projects in Africa covering ICT4D, learning/digital technologies and education, internet governance and health informatics. He also ran the YMCA Computer Training Center and Digital Studio in The Gambia from it’s inception in 1996. Poncelet has participated in a range of projects, a consultant for the international coordinator for the International YMC,A of New York, the country coordinator for the World Links Project, a consultant  for the UNDP Crisis Bureau and World Bank International Trade Center on ICT- related projects, a lead on organization partnership with the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, and a board member of the San Fransico-based tech non- profit “Net Freedom Pioneers” from 2018- 2021. 

Poncelet is an active member of the Association for Progressive Communication (APC) and the founding member for The Information Technologie Association of The Gambia, where he was elected second president from March 2010-2014. To further add tohis impressive background, Poncelet was the national resource person for the West African Internet Forum, a former board of Africa ICT Alliance, and a member of the Internet corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), where he also volunteers in various working groups. He also served as the Working Group WG 3-Privacy and Transparency Online for Freedom Online Coalitions and also represents the International Open Data Charter as a Steward on the implementation Commitee. Currently, he is the serving Director of The Innovation POD, a UNDP Africa bureau initiative to spur innovation among faculty, students and communities in the Central Republic universities, at the University of Juba, South Sudan.