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Julián Casasbuenas

Julián has a chemical engineering degree from the University of America, Bogotá, Colombia, and more than 25 years of experience in environmental and information and communication technologies (ICTs). He is the director of Colnodo, a non-profit organisation and member of the APC network established in 1993 with the main goal of facilitating communications and the exchange of information and experiences among Colombian organisations at the local, national and international level.

Colnodo's strategic programmes include e-government and e-democracy; citizenship promotion and participation in the use and appropriation of ICTs; ICT policies; and research, management and development of ICT knowledge. Colnodo works with three cross-cutting focuses: free/libre and open source software, gender, and sustainable development.

Julián is also a member of the APC Council and Executive Board and former chair. He was a member of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) from 2016 to 2018 and is an active participant in the Colombian IGF initiative, Mesa Colombiana de Gobernanza de Internet. He is a member of the Internet Society (ISOC) and was the Internet Governance Forum Ambassador for the 2007 and 2009 IGFs. He has participated in a wide range of ICT events such as ISOC conferences (1993-1995), the global IGFs and their preparatory meetings in Latin America and the Caribbean (LACIGFs), ICANN meetings (2010 Cartagena), Latin American Ministerial Conference on the Information Society (2010 and 2015), RightsCon, and Telecentre meetings in Europe and Latin America.

As Colnodo director, Julián has participated in the management of community network projects, as well as in processes of advocacy and dialogue with government entities to achieve the recognition and viability of community networks in Colombia.

Colnodo representative for the community networks learning grant initiative

Bogotá Colombia
Twitter/X: @jcasasbuenas