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Zemnaan Adamu

Zemnaan has been engaged in ICT capacity building since she joined Fantsuam as a volunteer in 2008. It was an opportunity in which she found very few females in her community participating. She undertook a basic digital literacy training and went on to enroll for the Cisco programme on IT Essentials. These skills and knowledge have been most useful in her career development. In 2019, Zemnaan was offered a fellowship by ISOC for a three-month internship with Tunapanda in Kibera-Nairobi. This experience was an eye opener for her in acquiring additional IT skills and hands-on experience of the operations of a community network in a resource-challenged environment. This experience helped to update her IT Essentials training which covered software and hardware maintenance. And now Zemnaan is one of the leads for the reactivation of the Fantsuam Community Network which is just recovering after years of ethnic violence in its host communities.