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The Lawyers Hub is a pan-African legal-tech organisation domiciled in Kenya and exists to provide innovative and technology-driven solutions to policy, legal practice and access to justice for the tech and judicial ecosystems in Africa. It has worked in collaboration with several partners within the past two years, including Omidyar Network, Mozilla and UNODC, leading to notable achievements in the areas of digital policy, digital economy and access to justice in Africa.

The Lawyers Hub has collaborated in hosting Africa Law Tech Festival 2020, the first of its kind, leading to multiple outputs: Africa Law Tech Academy 2020, Africa Law Tech Week 2020 and Africa Digital Policy Institute have recently launched, among others. So far, with the support of partners, the Lawyers Hub has impacted 28,000 leaders in law and tech across 41 countries.


Linda Bonyo

Declan Magero

2021 Community Network Grant Programme recipient

Twitter/X: @@lawyershubkenya
Areas of expertise