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ICTs for Rural Women Empowerment

Hand in hand with success makers

Salamieh Community Telecentre main target is to spread computer literacy among young women and to bridge the gap between the economy and the information sector. Also the Telecentre is implementing maximal use of computer technologies to promote and build young women capacities and enable them find job opportunities in a challenging women – power market .

These ICTs letters shed light on part of our efforts in this domain and focus on the critical importance of ICTs Programme .

We hope our young women might be inspired to take the first step to make success and bright future. The following stories are authentic .They were sent from our students who could get job opportunities and become more competent and qualified .


ICTs for Rural Women Empowerment

Hand in hand with success makers

Salamieh Community Telecentre main target is to spread computer literacy among young women and to bridge the gap between the economy and the information sector. Also the Telecentre is implementing maximal use of computer technologies to promote and build young women capacities and enable them find job opportunities in a challenging women – power market .

These ICTs letters shed light on part of our efforts in this domain and focus on the critical importance of ICTs Programme .

We hope our young women might be inspired to take the first step to make success and bright future. The following stories are authentic .They were sent from our students who could get job opportunities and become more competent and qualified .


Our Salamieh Community Telecentre office has recently received floods of letters from our dear students who expressed their deep thanks and high estimation for our Telecentre. They revealed how much success they could ripe after finishing their computer and language courses in our Telecentre.

Roza khaled

Roza khaled is a student from "Barri" a village 30 Kms east of Salamieh. She got her high school certificate in 2003 . She was not able to continue her academic studies due to severe poverty. She came to Salamieh Community Telecentre and we consulted her to follow a computer course in secondary administrative assistant for 6 months .She also took a course in English language (profile 1-/interchange) and a course communicative English and other courses in management.

The Telecentre offered her all possible help to pursue her courses .Finally, she could finish her tests and exams successfully and get a certificate from Telecentre.

A week ago she surprised us with a letter she sent from her new job location.

Letter 1


Salamieh Community Telecentre


From: Roza khaled



P.O.BOX 154


Dear Eng. Nabil,

I do apologize for the delay in writing to you after I have completed my courses at your centre . The reason is that I have been busy preparing for job interview for my new a post at a bank in Bahrain.

I have the pleasure to tell you that since my enrollment in your computer and business English courses, I have been lucky enough to obtain better chances for my future career. Your courses helped me to get my new post and I’m indebted to you as you were behind this achievement .

I believe that the courses completed at the Telecentre were an important factor that has helped me get my new post and improve my computer and business English skills. Thanking you for all what you have done for me and wishing you all the best ,I remain

Faithfully yours,

Roza khaled

Janet Doun

Letter 2

To: Salamieh Community Telecentre

From: Janet Doun manager

Mushroom project

RSP Aga Khan

11-7-2007 – Syria

Dear Nabil Eid

I was lucky enough to obtain better position the RSP foundation. I have been promoted to the post of programme manager with increment to my salary and fringe benefits .The courses which I have completed with success were very decisive for me to get better position.

I have improved my computer skills and my English just twenty five days from now I’ll be leaving for The Netherlands to attend a workshop on Mushroom programme management.

Thanking you for all what you have done for me and wishing you all the best.

Sincerely yours .


Telecentre comment:

Jannet Doun is an agronomist working for the AGA Khan RSP Agency- Syria

She wanted to improve her input English and computer skills . She needed it badly as her job requires her to send and exchange e-mails , and travel a lot.

She attended a 3 month course at our Telecentre , she concluded her courses

with remarkable success.

She sent us her letter a week ago. She will be attending learning a training work shop in the Netherlands in September .

Fatemah Kanaan

Salamieh Community Telecentre is adopting an ambitious strategy to support women improve their computer and business English skills.

Fatemah Kanaan, from Al saan village 35 Kms north of Salamieh, She is a graduate from the Faculty of Economy and Trade , Aleppo University.

She strived for a long time to get a job, but all her efforts were in vain. Companies are doing wide cut off on its women power .It was a great challenge for her to expose new skills that could convince managers of her competence.

She followed two courses in computer(accountancy programme and more application from Microsoft office ICDL and a course in Business English Profile 1 2- and Interchange) . She was a brilliant student among her colleagues. She could attain the ICDL and business English in short period .She has recently sent us some good news from her job country .Sharjah Emirates in a AL ZAHRA shopping Mall as a sales manager .

Letter 3

MR.Nabil Eid

Manager of Salamieh Community Telecentre

Salamieh – Syria.

From: Fatemah Kanaan

AL Zahra Mall

U.A.E sharjah O LCH

14 – 06July -2007

Dear Nabil

I acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of a diploma with a credit letter in ICDL and Business English.

Many thanks to you for the sincere efforts you exerted in updating and improving my skills I am indebted to you for the cooperation which the Telecentre has extended to me during my course . I expect the future will be brighter for many young women.

On completion of my course. I am pleased to say that it has helped me greatly acquire better knowledge and competence.

I am going to follow your news on the telecentre web site

Best Regards.


Nabil Eid

ICT4D – Syria

Salamieh Community Telecentre