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Promote the use of ICT in SNE

The use (ICT) in special needs education (SNE) is very high on the political agendas of countries.

They we need to be taken to move into the information society and the central role played by education in making the information society a reality is clearly highlighted.

Until now information on the use of ICT in the field of special needs education (SNE) has been limited to national and region level and very little information has been available at the world level.

Promote the use of ICT in SNE

The use (ICT) in special needs education (SNE) is very high on the political agendas of countries.

They we need to be taken to move into the information society and the central role played by education in making the information society a reality is clearly highlighted.

Until now information on the use of ICT in the field of special needs education (SNE) has been limited to national and region level and very little information has been available at the world level.

What the key information sources available, and what specialists see as being the future of ICT in disable people.

The ICT in SNE Project in Context

Sets the project information into a wider context. The subject presents points of view on special needs education, We will which promote the use of ICT in educational sectors, rehabilitation, develop disabilities skills, to introduce and support the introduction of ICT into organizations, The present indications are that an "Information Society for All "

The focus in this subject describing the types of provision available within special educational settings as a result of national or regional level policy and the perceived strengths and weaknesses of this provision.

Specialist ICT in SNE support networks

The different types of support structures available within countries focused upon combinations of one or more of the following:

• National dedicated agencies for ICT in education and development skills.

• Support services that work directly with teachers – trainers and pupils within in disabilities students and handicaps.

• Specialist resource centres where volunteers and teachers obtain advice materials and information.

• Specialist regional working groups.

• Specialist websites and on – line networks.

• In school support for training and steaming.

ICT in SNE training

The following factors clearly emerged as concerns:

• Diffused responsibility for policy implementation.

• Attitude barriers in relation to understanding the benefits and possibilities of ICT – at policy and implementation levels.

• Lack of information on needs and requirements of schools and pupils upon which to base policy initiatives.

• Limited finances supporting different aspects of provision or funding that is not needs targeted.

• Lack of specialist teacher training, limited flexibility in training options.

• Limited availability of specialist hard and software resources.

• No formalized national support structure for ICT in SNE.

• Disparity in availability of specialist expertise at regional level.

• Limited availability of specialist information (particularly on –line ) resources.

• Geographical isolation of trainers.

The development of theory for using ICT in SNE is seen as being potentially enhanced if there are opportunities for co –operations between different groups of actors ( pupils and their families, teachers, support professionals and researcher hers ) at national and international levels. Furthermore, the possibility to enhance virtual co –operation with face –to –face meetings and exchanges was raised. The power of ICT as a tool for communication as well as a tool for learning is reinforced by the personal contact and exchange of SEN and ICT specialists.

ICT in SNE- Studies Centre for Handicapped Research.

Internet access

The following suggestions were highlighted with respect to widening access to internet:

• Email with speech recognition. for example in Arab Region and MENA (lBSAR system from Sakhr Co. and Natiq system from Dolphin Co.) now this equipments available in Salamieh Community Telecentre to teach blind and visually impaired to access internet .kindly find link for more information :

• Browsers for pupils with services learning disabilities (Deaf mute – Blind – visually impaired Motor Disabilities with flexible control mechanisms (for example controlled using only a few icons, special mouse, keyboard,…).

• improvement of networking facilities to allow more efficient co – operation between institutions.

• Building a Telecentres for all type disabilities people on –line network (discussion groups ,mail list, chat ) in MENA, between teachers ,volunteers ,trainers and working with pupils with different disabilities.

• Creation of a very simple system for installation of websites

• The development of an international virtual resource centre with all the information being related to ICT and SEN.

Compatibility / application issues

Four possible areas of concern were identified here:

• Adaptation of standard software to the needs of the children with different disabilities.kindly find link for more info.

• Models to simplify the frames of windows based programmes. More programme in Salamieh Community Telecentres for Autism and Down’s Syndrome pupils.

Co – operation in order to get a standardized storage format for text, pictures and sounds in different teaching materials and software according to the different needs of pupils with SNE ( Autism ,Cerebral Palsy).

What the target of Salamieh Community Telecentre in SNE

1- we will improve the E – learning experience for disabled students studying.

- Disabled students are the target of our project. It is clear that our efforts aim at providing a better learning environment on computer systems for the disabled students. Disabled students spend a good deal of time and effort in order to break the barriers within the society.

- The trainee will gain satisfactory experience that enable him /her to be an active member in society.

- The accomplishment of this level of education for all students can be a highly stressful task for us. In spite of the all the unusual problems, the disabled student is ultimately able to overcome them and start a new life .Further more, the trainee will have an access to job market. In this respect we encourage both local and governmental organizations to ensure job opportunities that emerge for those students.

2- We aim to help academic learning disabilities students to understand the issues relating to the development of accessible learning environment

The project is specifically arranged to create healthy learning environment. Although the term “special needs “is used in its broadest sense yet ,We want to have better understanding for this term by all people .For this reasons ,We have initiated an ambitious move to rehabilitate the disabled and qualify them for good life .The program includes activities such as providing equipments ,access to information at the pre –entry stage ,access to information and use of ICT facilities.

3- We aim to increase the competence and confidence of academic staff in understanding the needs of disabled students.

Although aim two is directed towards providing practical examples of developing accessible teaching environments ,still there is a need to increase the general staff , awareness of better understanding to disability issues.

Finally we have community telecentre promoting all disabled people and give the advice for learning disability students about using ICT to access the world and implementation issues .( Information for All ).

Best Regards .

Nabil Eid

ICT4D – Syria

Salamieh Community Telecentre

Tel: +963 33 832360

Fax: +963 33 832361



