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There are so many places to get porn. The online space is awash with naked bodies, a good majority of them on there consensually and a small but disturbing proportion not.  The watching of naked bodies is big business, with one porn-based hub stating that in 2018 alone, 111 years (or one million hours) were uploaded onto their platform.

This would mean that even if you dedicated your entire life to watching everything that was put on last year alone, the grim reaper would still get you before you could get through half of it. Despite all this, the ability to find, and access, porn that does not make you want to wash your eyes (and soul) out with chicken soup is surprisingly difficult. Much of the material that dominates the online space is problematic at best and downright scary at worst, with women/queer/femme/brown etc. bodies depicted in degrading ways. The argument is that the majority of porn is created for men and they are the ones who are the primary consumers.

This, however, is a very stunted view of who is on the other side of the screen when it comes to consuming erotic material online.  According to Dr. Laurie Betito, a sex therapist and director of the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Centre, “2017 seems to have been the year where women have come forward to express their desires more openly.” These statistics continued into 2018.

There is thus a need for a varied digital representation of naked bodies writhing in pleasure, as the market is much more than your average heterosexual man, wanting to get off on a Thursday even for approximately 1.3 minutes (on average). There is also the fact that that trans appeared in the top five searches on Pornhub in 2018.

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