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From 25 November to 10 December, get ready to click your mouse, flex your SMS fingers and engage full energy to take control of technology to end violence against women. APC's Women’s Programme calls on users of the radio, television, internet, emails and mobile phones to Take Back the Tech!

//In Malaysia, women in the community are learning how to blog, and posting their perceptions on violence against women in their own language// //In Mexico, women's communication rights activists and journalists will take over Twitter for 16 days of feminist tweeting on technology how-tos and against violence against women// //In the Republic of Congo, students will write and perform a play on violence against women and technology//

What is the campaign about?

Take Back the Tech! is a collaborative campaign for anyone using the internet and technology to protest violence against women (VAW). Initiated by APC's women's programme (APC WNSP) in 2006, and built by a diverse movement of individuals, organisations, collectives and communities, the campaign is part of the UN-sanctioned 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence which begins on November 25 each year.

It is our right to shape, define, participate, use and share knowledge, information and technology, and to create digital spaces that are safe and equal. Take Back the Tech! calls all users of information and communications technologies (ICTs) -especially girls and women but also men and boys- to take control of technology and consciously use it to change unequal power relations.

Take Back the Tech! will be happening all over the world, including in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cambodia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Republic of Congo, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, Uganda as part of APC WNSP's efforts to achieve Millenium development Goal 3 to promote gender equality and empower women.

How can you Take Back the Tech?

Spread the word
State your stand and help us spread the word about the campaign. Send this message on, change your email signature or status messages to point to the campaign website, send a digital postcard, put the campaign banner on your site, chalk it on a sidewalk, any creative ways you can think of to spread the word! If you are on Twitter, tweet with us by using the hashtag: #takebackthetech. If you are a blogger, ka-BLOG with us :) Spread the word by translating actions and slogans in your local languages, and disseminating the campaign and its daily actions through any of your online channels.

16 daily actions
Simple daily actions throughout the 16 days show how to use technology strategically to counter VAW. From sending SMS, to making digital postcards, learning a new software, playing with radio or remembering forgotten names in the history of IT development, you can take action with the tools and platforms you have at hand. Check the campaign website during the 16 days to take part in daily actions.

Ka-BLOG with us
Explore and broaden the knowledge around technology and internet and violence against women by joining the Take Back the Tech! 16-day blogathon.

New to blogging? This is the perfect reason to start your own, or at least, click that "comment" button to have your say. In Filipino slang, "ka-BLOG" means someone you blog with, we can all blog together to raise awareness and help end VAW. Tag your blog posts using Technorati tag: "takebackthetech", or register your blog on the campaign website, or email us: Join our movement to transform the blogosphere!

Start a campaign
Start your own Take Back the Tech! campaign. Independent and creative initiatives to Take Back the Tech! are taking off in different parts of the world, translating content and action to address local needs and priorities.

Use the campaign website to highlight your action, or find information and resources. There are campaign kits, images and graphics, tips on how to be safe online, articles and links, available in English, Spanish and French. If you don’t have an online publishing space, you can have your own page on the site. Email us to let us know how we can support your action:

Digital stories, audiocasts & more
Learn by listening to the experience and stories of women and men affected by VAW. The campaign website will feature digital stories, audiocasts, video clips and postcards. If you have something you would like to share, just log on to the campaign site and submit your story.

Suggest an action
Help shape the campaign by sharing your experience and ideas. If you have thoughts, email us or log on to the site, and make it part of the campaign.
Check daily from 25 November to 10 December, and take control of technology to end violence against women.
For more information: send an email to

Join us on Facebook
Connect with other campaigners:

Take Back the Tech! is an initiative of the APC Women's Networking Support Programme (APC WNSP), a global network of women who support women's networking for social change and women's empowerment through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) especially internet, founded in 1993. The APC WNSP is part of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC). MDG3: Strengthening women's strategic use of technology to combat violence against women and girls and

Areas of work