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Update 30 January 2012

Our first winner is Charlie Parra del Riego for his amazing SOPA Guitar Solo


Where were you when you first “connected your rights”? That is, when did you first realise that your rights are truly inalienable, even online? The Connect your rights! campaign is calling for submissions of blogs, poems, digital stories, artwork and other visuals to help others make the connection.

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Maybe it was the first block page you encountered; or the time you received obviously filtered results from a search engine; or perhaps you or someone you know have had to deal with questionable privacy policies on a social networking site. Maybe it’s something completely different.

If so, we want to hear from you!

How to submit:

Please send your blogs, images, videos or other submissions to with the heading “Make the connection”

The top submissions will be featured on the Connect your rights! homepage at

Send us your stories now, and help us make the connection!