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If you are an LGBT activist, SRHR activist, women’s rights activist, a queer blogger or a feminist, please take 15 minutes to fill in our survey in any of the following languages:

Take the survey:

In 2013, the EROTICS project launched a global survey to understand how sexual rights activists (from a variety of focuses and countries) use the internet to advance their work, what sort of risks, harassment, content regulation, or censorship they deal with, and how they respond.
This knowledge is important for us to explore strategic ways to support the digital security of sexual rights activists and also to advocate for gender and sexuality among internet rights activists. Results and findings from the 2013 survey can be found here.
We hope with this second round of our global monitoring survey to deepen our understanding and expose the connection between the regulation of sexual speech and content on the internet and provide evidence that will help sexual rights activists explain the impact of such regulation on their lives and their work. Ultimately this survey is part of the ongoing work of APC to identify and imagine a better, more people-­centred, feminist internet.
An analysis of the findings aims to provide an evidence-­based snapshot for policy advocacy and engagement in internet governance and to strengthen the capacity of advocates for sexual rights, women’s rights and gender equality to resist internet content regulation and to participate in this process.

How you can help:

  • Please forward this survey to your organisations and networks of sexual rights activists and ask them to complete it.
  • Post it on your blogs or organisation websites.
  • Tweet or Facebook this post using #eroticsproject.

Please note that the deadline to fill in the survey is 12 September 2014.
For more information, please contact: Caroline Tagny (caroline [at] apcwomen [dot] org) or Nadine Moawad (nadine [at] apcwomen [dot] org).

This survey has been developed in collaboration of Horacio F. Sívori and Bruno Zilli, researchers at Centro Latino-Americano em Sexualidade e Direitos Humanos .
Further reading:

Areas of work