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APC understands that we are all dealing with unprecedented circumstances as we face the challenges, fear and uncertainty brought on by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We know it impacts our work, our personal lives and the lives of those we care about. Each country is tackling the situation differently, so the contexts we find ourselves in are as diverse as the ways we find to navigate shifting conditions.

In these exceptional times, we wish to send our solidarity and appreciation for connecting with us. While we are distancing ourselves physically, we continue to stay closer than ever to each other and share tools and resources as well as support. We also want to examine how we can continue to promote human rights online in the context of a global pandemic. We are all facing this problem together but we know it affects different countries and communities in different ways. Therefore, we would like to channel the strength of our network to share some important resources that we hope will be empowering, enlightening and reassuring.

Below you will find articles and insights shared by our community, which has been working on human rights and technology issues for over 30 years. We will be updating these lists on a regular basis, so please feel free to connect with us if you have some resources to share.

Resources on remote work in times of crisis

Here at APC we do not have a physical office – our office is the world. Our colleagues are currently based in 22 countries and, until recent restrictions on travel, could be found in just about any corner of the planet where internet can reach us. Having garnered 30 years of experience in remote work, we wanted to share some resources that are helpful to our workflow with those who find themselves working from home for the first time, or who would like some additional tips and insights to help make their workdays a little smoother under these special circumstances.

Remote work

Digital safety and security

Resources on human rights / economic, social, cultural rights

The current state of pandemic is a time when governments are quickly imposing measures to try to mitigate the spread of the virus. Although it is a time of urgency, we echo the call of European Digital Rights (EDRi) for fundamental rights-based responses to COVID-19. We cannot allow systems that have been built for the protection of human rights to be dismantled. Therefore, we would like to share some important highlights, both from within our network and external reports, regarding the importance of keeping human rights at the forefront of all efforts to implement effective health practices during these turbulent times.

Authoritarianism, surveillance, freedom of expression

Exclusion / Inclusion

Feminist practices of digital tech

Labour rights

Content moderation

Data privacy / Tracking

Resources on environmental justice, sustainability and climate crisis

While the world focuses its attention and resources on dealing with the pandemic, it is an important time to reflect on how the current situation impacts environmental justice movements and our ongoing work on sustainability. What lessons can we learn from the world’s response to COVID-19 in terms of dealing with the climate crisis? How can we use this opportunity to ensure not only protection for people, but also for our planet?