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APC members from all over the world elected a new board of directors for the world’s oldest online network during a ballot at the eleventh face-to-face APC council meeting on March 20.

The board for 2011 to 2013 is:

Danijela Babic, Croatia (chair)
Andrew Garton, Australia
Anriette Esterhuysen, South Africa
Graciela Selaimen, Brazil
Julian Casasbuenas Gallo, Colombia
Liz Probert, United Kingdom
Shahzad Ahmad, Pakistan
Valentina Pellizzer, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Anriette Esterhuysen APC’s executive director is an ex-officio member of the board and is not elected.

Anriette thanked the outgoing board –the longest serving to date— praising them as “productive and engaged”. The 2007-2010 board was chaired by Danilo Lujambio from Argentina.

New chair, Danijela Babic, pledged to enhance cooperation between APC members and other strategic partners. Danijela who became part of the progressive technology movement during the war in the ex-Yugoslavia in the early 1990s has a personal and professional interest in promoting the use of technology by people with disabilities.

Photo by Karen Higgs. Used with permission under Creative Commons license 2.0.
