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This series of blog posts was written by Carly Nyst, lawyer and director of Privacy International’s work in developing countries, and it was produced as a part of APC’s project End violence: Women’s rights and safety online, exploring the responsibility of intermediaries to ensure that the internet is a space that empowers, rather than subjugates, women.

  • Pulling back the veil of free speech?
    Exceptions to Article 19 are highly controversial, subjective and prone to manipulation by states and other entities. What, then, are the legitimate avenues for redress of hate speech when it occurs on the internet? More >
  • Towards internet intermediary responsibility
    A key pillar of the internet freedom movement is the concept that internet intermediaries should be immune from liability for any content hosted on their sites. Yet there is a clear and important need for intermediaries to play a more active role in ensuring that they are not complicit in incitement to violence against women. More > .
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