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The Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) is the world’s first multi-stakeholder network promoting innovation and advancement in knowledge and ICT4D. APC is on the executive committee of GKP since April 9 2008. GKP brings together public sector, private sector and civil society organisations with the goal of sharing knowledge and building partnerships in knowledge and ICT for development. GKP activities and programmes foster the innovative application of knowledge and technology to address and solve development issues in four strategic themes – Access to knowledge, Education, Poverty reduction and Resource mobilisation. GKP operates globally as well as in nine regions: Africa, Central and Eastern Europe; Europe; East Asia; Latin America and the Caribbean; Middle East and North Africa; North America; Oceania and South Asia. GKP members demonstrate ideas through projects on the ground; and they influence policy at a global level. GKP was founded in 1997. The network comprises over 100 members spanning 50 countries. It is governed by an elected executive committee and supported by a secretariat based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Partnership philosophy GKP is a membership organisation founded upon shared values and mutual respect. Members enjoy equal rights within the GKP network and are free to share their ideas, opinions and approaches to K4D and ICT4D, while remaining independent, autonomous organisations. GKP upholds the following principles and guidelines to nurture trust-based relationships: * Innovation * Capacity Building * Gender and Social Equity * Accountability and Transparency * Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (MSPs) * Participation, Empowerment and Ownership * Advocacy for human rights (rights-based approach) This philosophy bonds GKP member organisations from all sectors and across all regions of the world. Among other collaborations, GKP funded APC activities such as the GEM consultancy; and the Gender and ICT awards in 2004 and 2005. Since April 9 2008, the Association for Progressive Communications has been elected to the executive commitee of GKP. It will serve on the EXCOMM alongside nine other groups between 2008 and 2010.