20 August 2020 | Publication Dr Nijmeh Ali Israeli impact on Palestinian digital rights during the coronavirus pandemic
14 August 2020 | Publication APC Lebanon: APC calls for internet access restrictions to be lifted and for human rights online and offline be protected
12 August 2020 | News #IWantALetter: Take action to demand that Egyptian authorities provide information updates on their response to the pandemic in prisons
30 July 2020 | News 7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media 7amleh: Palestinian civil society coalitions call on Google to put Palestine on its maps
23 June 2020 | Publication Sodfa Daaji and Rim Menia The shrinking of the digital space during the COVID-19 pandemic: Movement building and internet governance in North Africa
15 June 2020 | News 7amleh: Palestinian Digital Rights Coalition warns against phone application "The Coordinator"
14 May 2020 | News 7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media Palestinian civil society organisations raise alarm over the selection of Emi Palmor, former General Director of the Israeli Ministry of Justice, to Facebook’s Oversight Board
30 April 2020 | Publication Various #FreeAlaa: Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel Fattah on hunger strike protesting his continued illegal detention
28 April 2020 | News APCNews Egyptian Alaa Abdel Fattah on hunger strike to protest conditions in prison amid pandemic