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Mentioned that the NGOs will put forward the national development goals of the Government of Bangladesh and work as the supplementary force of the government efforts. Envisioning a Bangladesh by 2021, a middle income country where poverty will be drastically reduced; citizens will be able to meet every basic need and development will be on fast track with ever-increasing rates of growth. Incorporated Vision-2021 in the national strategy for accelerated poverty reduction II (revised)

NGO Affairs Bureau hereby, draws kind attention of the NGOs both national and foreign and the donor community supporting them to undertake and support suitable program in the light of the Vision-2021.

The year 2021 will mark the golden jubilee of Bangladesh’s independence. For resolution of crisis and a prosperous future, the government envisions a Bangladesh which by 2021, will be a middle income country where poverty will be drastically reduced; citizens will be able to meet every basic need and development will be on fast track with ever-increasing rates of growth. The milestones of Vision-2021 have been incorporated in the NSAPR II(reused) and became the core target of all development programs. Some of the milestones of Vision 2021 where NGOs have scope to contribute endless are as follows:

2010: 100 percent net student enrolment at primary level.
2011: Supply of pure drinking water for the entire population.
2012: Self-sufficiency in food.
2013: Each house brought under hygienic sanitation.
2014: Bangladesh attains full literacy.
2015: Living accommodation for the entire population.
2021: Unemployment reduced to 15 percent from the present rate of 40 percent.
2021: Poverty rate comes down to 15% from 45% at present.
2021: Bangladesh known as a country of educated people with skills in information technology.
2021: 85% of the population have standard nutritional food.
2021: Poor people ensured a minimum of 2122 kilo calories of food.
2021: All kinds of contagious diseases eliminated.
2021: Infant mortality comes down to 15 from 54 per thousand at present.
2021: Maternal death rate reduced to 1.5% from 3.8%.
2021: Use of birth control methods increased to 80%
NGOs have been playing an important role for the socioeconomic development of the country especially for the disadvantaged group- women, children and the poor. NGOs have been working in all areas of social sector and thus successfully contributed to reduce human poverty. At the same time NGOs have created employments remarkably in Bangladesh. Still the challenges remain. Still a large share of population live below the poverty line.

NGOs will have to undertake the very most suitable activities to contribute achieving Vision-2021.They undertake more income & employment generating activities. NGOs are called for prioritising activities; focusing on disaster-poverty-monga prone areas, avoiding overlapping of areas and duplication of interventions through coordination among themselves and with the government and thus ensure maximum resource is directed and used at the grassroots levels.

NGO Affairs Bureau takes this opportunity to request donor community supporting NGOs to come forward with all means to help achieving the milestones of Vision-2021 and thus reduce poverty drastically. NGO Affairs Bureau is committed to better serve the NGOs in near future.

Director General
NGO Affairs Bureau
Prime Minister’s Office
Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
