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The internet has been identified as the most powerful tool and dubbed “a global resource”, similar to how electricity changed lives in the 20th century. While internet penetration is increasing rapidly, most developing countries are still working on how to get everyone connected and at the same time coping with the need for good policies for a safer internet. With increase in usage, gaining an online presence is fast becoming a norm. But netizens are often left exposed in terms of their data and privacy. The big question is – how can we make online spaces safer and accessible to women? And what is the image that the internet portrays of women?

In a world where digital footprints bear weight and significance, more internet users are now concerned with their online reputation. With an increasing number of online social platforms and usage of social media apps like WhatsApp, Facebook and many more, it's becoming harder to control what information goes out to the public. A rising threat to the privacy of users is around data such as usage of images illegally obtained, which is now more common than ever and is fostered through exchange of media online.

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