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As the end dates of lockdown continue to be ever more elusive, no one truly knows when we will be in polite company again. The tweets are getting sadder and the "I can’t stand my household" statuses more prolific. Reaching out and maintaining relationships can be difficult at the moment, but simply because we are in the midst of a pandemic does not mean that you now have to become a social recluse. Staying connected in fun and engaging ways, that do not include that suspicious looking "news bulletin" sent by an aunty in the family WhatsApp group, can truly help with one’s mental health. Much as there is the risk of the online space breeding great amounts of anxiety, this can also be a time to form different types of human connection, find out more about innovative ways to get off and take a look at your love lives.

Here is how.

Join dating apps: The dating game has never been easy, navigating sexual relationships has always been a minefield, and self-isolation and lockdown have not made it any easier to make a connection. The age of social distancing is a perfect time for folks to engage in the world of digital dating. Do not think you're the only lonely heart on there: according to data by Statista the online dating audience is expected to grow to 37.5 million users in the United States alone by 2023. The prospect of finding love has become so nuanced that one can find love according to gender, race, sexuality, kinks and fetishes and even your love of bacon. The online space is now waking folks up to the possibility of a new way of dating. Having all the time in the world coupled with very little commitment means that this is the perfect time to try an array of dating apps. However, corona does not mean that everyone is now a good person, so staying safe, especially for queer folx in high risk areas, is a big part of swimming in these murky waters. Alternatively, if dating apps are not your thing, your traditional social media apps like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are also spaces to find love.

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