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Statement delivered by AHM Bazlur Rahman, at the Informal consultations on thematic Deep-Dive on Internet governance with the Member States and Stakeholders of the Intergovernmental Process led by the Co-facilitators Rwanda and Sweden on 13 April 2023, UN HQ, NY USA.

Mr. Chair,

We are grateful for this opportunity to address you all in this thematic Deep-Dive on Internet governance. Our organizations Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication and Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum advocate for the implementation of the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Action Line and IGF agenda in Bangladesh since 2006.

In Bangladesh, over the last twenty years, the Internet has contributed extensively to realizing the key priorities of Digital Bangladesh and the goals of the UN SDGs in the following ways under the leadership of the Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Firstly, developing human resources ready for the 21st century, secondly, Connecting citizens in ways most meaningful to them, Thirdly, Taking services to citizens’ doorsteps; and finally, Making the government, private sector and market more productive and competitive through the use of digital technology. Now Bangladesh is on the way to Smart Bangladesh by 2041.

Ensure the unfragmented safe, global, secure, and inclusive Internet. We are greatly encouraging the governments to take the following steps.
Governments should continue to invest to overcome the 5 roadblocks to internet adoption and use. like as; Affordability, digital literacy for Knowledge and skills, locally relevant content with the local language, Safety and Security, and Meaningful Access to the citizens.

Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum has been organizing the following intervention for three days Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum, Bangladesh School of Internet Governance, Bangladesh Youth IGF, Bangladesh Women IGF, Bangladesh Kids IGF and Parliamentarian Caucus on Internet Governance.

Governments should strive to increase interoperability between national digital rules, as we’ve seen with the US - EU Data Privacy Framework and commit to intergovernmental regulatory dialogue to ensure  that new rules strengthen shared values.

Governments ensure that social obligation funds (SOFs) are targeted, timebound, robustly supported by the regulatory framework and managed transparently following the social obligation fund’s philosophy.

Mr Chair,

Emphasize the NETmundial Multistakeholder Statement, and the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) action line C1 – C11.
NETmundial identified a set of common principles and important values that contribute for an inclusive, multistakeholder, effective, legitimate, and evolving Internet governance framework and recognized that the Internet is a global resource which should be managed in the public interest.
There is a need for a further strengthened IGF and WSIS Forum for discussing both long-standing and emerging issues for contributing to the identification of possible ways to address them and the process of the localization, and globalization of ICANN governance speeds up leading to a truly global organization serving the public interest and meaningful participation of the IETF and IGF.

Mr. Chair,
If we really need an open and inclusive internet, we must create a strong Global Governance of Digital transformation through the Global Digital compact.

International "rules of the game" play an increasingly central role in the global information economy. and have created new multilateral arrangements for international trade in services, intellectual property, "information security," and electronic commerce.

It is not acceptable for these and related global governance frameworks to be designed by and for small groups of powerful governments and companies and then exported to the world as faits accomplis. Instead, they must reflect the diverse views and interests of the international community.

I conclude, Mr Chair.

We stand ready to support the deep dive on Internet Governance’s mission to ensure the unfragmented safe, global, secure, and inclusive Internet as well as promote an open, secure, and reliable Internet for all from Bangladesh.

Thank you! Joy Bangla! Joy Bangabandhu!