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Information and Communications Technology Supporting Special Educational Needs

How ICTs can enhance teaching and learning in Special Needs Education

This study aims to explore the following issues relating to how ICTs enhances learning, and It will also explore how ICTs enriches the learning opportunities and potential of students who have SEN, especially in the following areas:

• Physical disabilities

• Visual impairments

• Hearing impairments

• Autistic spectrum disorders

• Dyslexia

• Learning Disabilities

• Emotional and behavioral difficulties

Information and Communications Technology Supporting Special Educational Needs

How ICTs can enhance teaching and learning in Special Needs Education

This study aims to explore the following issues relating to how ICTs enhances learning, and It will also explore how ICTs enriches the learning opportunities and potential of students who have SEN, especially in the following areas:

• Physical disabilities

• Visual impairments

• Hearing impairments

• Autistic spectrum disorders

• Dyslexia

• Learning Disabilities

• Emotional and behavioral difficulties

ICTs and Special Needs Education

• I CTs can help disabled pupils but it is not a magic wand!

ICTs can help disabled pupils to provide access to learning.

ICTs can provide support for learning.

ICTs can help disabled pupils teachers and promote their skills..

ICTs and Pupils with a Physical Disability

ICTs may be essential for access for some pupils

ICTs can help with written work.

• Regular assessment is needed to ensure equipment is suitable.

• Pupils and helpers need training and support.

ICTs tools that can offer support

• Communication aids.

• Computer access devices – switches..

• Access utilities and specialized software

• Software with alternative input options

• Word list and word prediction facilities

ICTs and Pupils with a Visual Impairment

Allow pupils to make the most of their vision when using ICTs

• Consider the position of the pupil

• Consider the position of the screen

• Consider the clarity of the display

• Use large, clear fonts if they help

• Adjust the colors.

• Add speech feedback where possible

ICTs tools that can offer support

• Talking word processors

• Big pointer utilities

• Screen magnifiers

• Screen readers

• Electronic Braille’s

• Closed circuit television

ICTs and Pupils with Hearing Impairments

Language is a major problem

ICTs can be used for language development activities

• Symbol or picture enhanced text can bring meaning to print

• Illustrated Concept keyboard overlays make writing more accessible

• Access to whole words can aid expression and help pupils to organize their ideas.

• Graphics can stimulate writing

ICTs tools that can offer support

• Symbol generating software

• Word processors

• Concept Keyboards

• Word lists

• Clip art to illustrate writing

• Spell checkers and grammar checkers

ICTs and Pupils with Autistic spectrum disorders

• Explore ways in which ICTs can be used to support individual students’ needs

• Provide exposure to on-line resources/software which the teacher can use to support those needs

• Learn about the use of these resources and strategies to assist with their integration into the curriculum

• Learn about different uses of ICTs, such as the use of ICTs to assist in language development and communication

• Focus on a topic of particular interest to the participant through a project in a supported environment.

ICTs and Pupils with Dyslexia

ICTs can be used for drill and practice

• Such use should be part of a planned programme of activities.

ICTs can be used to minimize difficulties.

• This involves providing tools that enable pupils to overcome their difficulties

ICTs tools that can offer support

• Specialized programs.

• Talking books.

• Concept Keyboards.

• Word list facilities.

• Spell checkers.

• Laptop computers.

• Talking word processors.

• Speech driven writing tools.

ICTs and Pupils with Learning Disabilities

ICTs can be a focus for language development activities

• A medium for differentiated activities

ICTs can make writing more accessible

ICTs can make information more accessible

ICTs can enable pupils to practice skills in an enjoyable way

ICTs tools that can offer support

• Talking books

• CD-ROMs with good sound and graphics and a minimum of text

• Drill and practice programs

• Concept Keyboards

• Word list facilities

• Talking word processors

ICTs and Pupils with Emotional & Behavioral Difficulties

ICTs is motivating

ICTs is not threatening or judgmental

ICTs can make tasks more manageable

ICTs can provide satisfying outcomes

ICTs tools that can offer support

• Multi-media

• Educational ‘games’

• Concept Keyboards

• Word list facilities

• Word predictors

• Spell checkers

Best Regards

Nabil Eid

