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Vous allez au Forum sur la gouvernance de l’internet (IGF)? Les membres et employés d’APC y seront, participant dans divers ateliers et discussions. Ici vous trouverez une liste prête à imprimer des événements où les membres est employés d’APC mèneront les discussions, ainsi que les événements organisés et co-organisés par APC. Au plaisir de vous voir sur place.

Télécharger le programme pour l'imprimer:

Programme complet, PDF:

Going to the IGF? APC staff and members will be there, busy participating in workshops and panel sessions. Here you'll find a ready-to-print list of events in which APC staff and members will be speaking and APC-organised or co-organised events. We look forward to meeting you face-to-face.

Download this programme for printing:

Time and location (tbc)
Session APC speakers*
IGF DAY ONE: Reaching the Next Billion – Wedneday Dec 3rd
Main Session Room
11:00 -12:30
Panel Discussion: Access – Connecting the next billion(s) Anriette Esterhuysen, Brian Longwe
Room 2
Workshop 50: Global futures – workshop (IISD)  
Main Session Room
Open Dialogue: Access  
Room 7
Launch of Global Information Society Watch 2008 book – APC, Hivos, ITeM  
IGF DAY TWO: Promoting Cyber-Security and Trust – Thursday Dec 4th
Main Session Room
Panel Discussion: Fostering security, privacy and openness  Jac Kee
Room 1
Workshop 2: Challenges facing Internet operators in developing countries Valeria Betancourt
Room 3
Workshop 26: Towards a code of good practice on public participation in Internet governance. APC co-hosted workshop with COE and UNECE
Main Session Room
Open Dialogue: Fostering security, privacy and openness  
Room 1
Open Forum 73: outcomes of the OECD Ministerial meeting on “The Future of the Internet Economy”  
IGF DAY THREE: Managing Critical Internet Resources – Friday December 5th
Room 1
Workshop 3: Digital convergence beyond technology: socio-economic benefits, SMEs & public policy  
Room 5
Workshop 65: Mainstreaming human rights in the work of the IGF Chat Garcia Ramilo
Room 6
Workshop 49: A Development Agenda for Internet Governance: From Principle to Practice Anriette Esterhuysen
Room 1
Workshop 8: Promoting pro-poor access to ICTs APC-organised workshop
IGF DAY FOUR: Emerging Issues – Saturday December 6th
Room 3
Workshop 77: Internet for all – exploring a rights based approach Valeria Betancourt