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10 tactics is a package of videos and information cards explaining tactics when planning an implementing an information campaign.

A set of basics cards explain the basics of information activism and provide ideas on campaign strategy and access to information etc. which can be useful in any of the ten tactics that are covered.

Thereafter, ten videos, each with its own tactics card, thoroughly explain ten different tactics to apply. The videos show real life examples and cases as well as pro’s and con’s of using different tools. The tactics card cover the cases of the videos and give the readers links for further reading, both about the suggested tools and the cases themselves.

Although the videos might take some time to load on a slow internet connection (a low bandwidth version would be good), it is well worth the time! There are so many interesting cases that show different ways of using different tools. While the videos show the people who have used the tools, the tactic cards give the reader background information on the tools such as how to use them, where to find support etc. (there is even information on the costs and level of difficulty of using the different tools). What is very useful is that the risks and difficulties of the different tools are discussed. Both Facebook and google tools are relatively easy to use but have their limits which are important to know already before starting a campaign.

Each of the tactics card also have a “plan your action” box; clear step-by-step information on how to go about applying the tactics in your next information campaign.

Finally, when you have seen the videos and read the cards, take another look at them; 10 tactics is also a very good example itself on how to successfully visualise a message using different tactics.

