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From 22 February to 4 March 2011, APC’s team and several team members from the APC women’s networking support programme (APC WNSP) took part in the 55th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York, reporting on the session at The CSW is a global policy-making body of the United Nations dedicated to gender equality and the advancement of women. This year’s session looked at science and technology from the perspective of women’s access to education and employment.

APC WNSP hosted a panel during the session called Take Back The Tech! Reclaiming technology for women’s rights on 25 February, which was filmed. Please click on the links below to watch the APC WNSP team’s presentations:

Feminist Tech Exchange – using technology in activism on women’s rights

Power of communication – addressing violence in post-conflict situation

Transforming landscape of women’s communication rights

Take Back The Tech! Questions & answers session

Zones de travail