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Opening and welcome (10h00-10h15)
Remarks from hosts and partners

Session I – Access, human rights and development (10h15-11h15)
Panel: Bidi Bala, Nigeria; Pranom Samwong, Vietnam; Graciela Selaimen, Brazil; Grace Githaiga, Kenya; Romulo Neves, Brazil on:

How can access to infrastructure and knowledge in the context of developing countries: foster transformation of education, innovation, entrepreneurship; assist to fight poverty and promote social and human development?
Does access to the internet impact on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association?

Johan Hallenborg, Sweden – commentary


Session II – Obstacles to universal affordable access (11h30-12h30)
Multiple perspectives on the approach to universal equitable access from: Sascha Meinrath, USA; Anja Kovacs, India; Jeremy Malcolm, Australia, Honey Tan, Malaysia, Shahzad Ahmad, Pakistan, Peter Hellmonds, Germany

What are the main technical, commercial and policy obstacles on the ground for achieving universal affordable access to infrastructure (particularly to broadband internet access) in developing countries?
What are the main current obstacles to access to knowledge and content online, particularly in developing countries?

Stephen Song, South Africa – commentary

LUNCH 12h30-14h00

Session III – What can we do? Policy and regulatory options (14h00-16h00)
Break-out group session followed by panel discussion on outcome of break-out groups:

What are the challenges and opportunities for policy makers and the broader Internet community?
What are the regulatory and policy options to address obstacles to access to infrastructure and knowledge/content?
What are the roles of the policy makers and the broader Internet community?

Panel: Giacomo Mazzione; Monika Segbert-Eibert; Carlos Afonso; Willie Currie; Ben Akoh; Jochem de Groot.

Joy Liddicoat, APC – commentary


Summary of the day 16h15 – 16h45
Relate to Focus Questions on access, infrastructure and development. Aspects to take forward into the IGF.

Facilitators: Joy Liddicoat and Chat Garcia Ramilo


Closing Joint APC and Giganet Plenary Discussion: 17h00-18h00

Co-Chairs: Anriette Esterhuysen (APC) and Bill Drake (University of Zurich and Giganet) with a panel made up of academics and activists who will consider what the key issues are that need to be raised in the IGF to promote equitable access to the internet.