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The sixth annual meeting of the IGF will take place in Nairobi, Kenya from 27-30 September 2011 with Internet as a catalyst for change: access, development, freedoms and innovation as its main theme.

Internet access remains unavailable or unaffordable for many people, poverty and famine –currently plaguing Kenya’s next-door neighbour Somalia- persist in spite global and national commitments to meeting development goals. The free flow of information on the internet is increasingly challenged by walled gardens, by an over-emphasis on the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights by those with vested interests in their enforcement and by policy-makers who forget their primary responsibility is to uphold and protect fundamental human rights.

In this document presented in the run-up to the IGF APC strongly supports the focus on access, development and freedoms but outlines a series of recommendations for IGF participants.

Clustered according to the IGF main themes, our priorities are:

Internet governance for development (IG4D)

  • Increasing the participation stakeholders from developing countries in internet governance agenda setting and decision-making

  • Greater focus on the impact of internet policy on sustainable development

Emerging issues

  • Equitable access to the internet from a human rights perspective

  • Conflict minerals and why they are important in internet governance

  • Affordability, openness and network neutrality in the mobile internet

  • Net neutrality

Managing critical internet resources

  • Reform of internet governance institutions to ensure greater accountability, participation and transparency

  • The ICANN reform process

Security, openness and privacy

  • Internet intermediary liability

  • Impact of internet restrictions in freedom of expression and association online

  • Responding to online violence against women

Access and diversity

  • Open spectrum and television white spaces: Creative regulation of wireless internet as a means of bridging the access gap

  • Access to knowledge

Cross-cutting issues

  • Human rights approach to internet governance: The relationship between human rights and internet regulatory environments

  • Capacity building.