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A Civil Society Digital Broadcasting Migration Observatory has been launched in Maputo on April 9, at the end of a national conference that discussed and approved a National Advocacy Plan on the sensitive transition process in Mozambique. Participating in the conference were more than 100 delegates representing different civil society organizations from all over the country. The Director General of the National Institute for Communications, Dr. Americo Muchanga, took part in the conference, in representation of the Minister of Transports and Communications.

The Centre for Communication Studies SEKELEKANI organized the conference with support from APC and in partnership with four local civil society organizations, including the National Forum of Community Radios (FORCOM), the Centre for Civil Society Capacity Building (CESC) and JOINT- an ONG national umbrella organization.

SEKELEKANI has been confirmed as the lead implementation organization, supported by a Coordination Committee.

Advocacy Plan General Objective and Expected Results

The approved plan envisages to ensuring that the digital migration process in Mozambique is inclusive, transparent and sustainable, and preserves the citizen’s right to information. Its expected main result is to ensure that most Mozambican viewers have access to information through TV by June 2015.

Specific objectives

The National Advocacy plan includes the following specific objectives

  1. To advocate for universal access to STBs for all Mozambicans at affordable prices.
  2. To contribute for the preparation of a policy and regulatory framework that establishes adequate standards of programming and balanced content.
  3. To help ensuring that the Mozambican population has proper, timely and complete information on digital migration process;
  4. To help ensuring the full inclusion of all groups, particularly low-income groups through access to the signal and accessory equipment by June 2015.

Specific outcomes

  1. The Mozambican population has safe access to TV signal and affordable STBs and other basic accessories before June 2015.
  2. A policy and regulatory framework on balanced programming and content approved, to induce for the production of high professional and ethical standards national content.
  3. The Mozambican population has access to information and education on the digital migration process before June 2015.
Zones de travail