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In my previous columns I’ve discussed how women in the Global South are reclaiming social media to shine the spotlight on disability, celebrate being queer, promote body positivity, and combat femicide. In my final column for this series I’m going to look at how young womxn are using social media to foster change in educational spaces.

There are several ways that feminists can make social media work for activism. This kind of activism can help thrust womxn's rights to the forefront of political agendas, but I acknowledge that it doesn't always result in policy change or practical action. However, this doesn't mean that social media activism doesn't have its benefits.

There’s a misconception that Gen Y and Gen Z are self-centred, lazy, narcissistic, and a whole host of other negative descriptions. A generation that expects everything to be handed to them on a silver platter but this narrative simply isn’t true. There are numerous people in these generations – and for the purpose of this column, womxn – who are passionate, driven and willing to put themselves on the frontline to stand for what they believe in, in order to bring about change in various spheres.

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