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APC member organisation Myanmar ICT for Development Organisation (MIDO) is one of the signatories of the following statement.

We, representatives of Myanmar human rights organisations, condemn the military coup in the strongest terms. We condemn the military’s seizure of all legislative, executive, and judicial powers.

We Myanmar people have repeatedly demonstrated our desire for democracy, freedom, peace, justice, human rights, and development. The National League for Democracy won the 8 November 2020 General Elections, which were confirmed as free and fair by many national and international observers. We Myanmar people do not want a return to dictatorship, conflict, and decline.

We call on the military to immediately:

  • Respect the election results.

  • Unconditionally release all those detained.

  • Refrain from all acts of violence, including against protesters and resolute MPs.

  • Restore and maintain full internet connectivity.

  • Return power to the elected parliament and government.

We also call on the international community – including the governments of China, Russia, and our ASEAN neighbours – to:

  • Unconditionally condemn the coup.

  • Support the restoration of the government and parliament elected on 8 November 2020.

  • Stop all cooperation with and assistance to the military.

  • Support those at risk during the coup.

Signed by,

Action Committee for Democracy Development (ACDD)

Association of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters (HRDP)

Athan – Freedom of Expression Activist Organization

Democracy, Peace and Women’s Organization (DPW)

Digital Rights Collective

Equality Myanmar

Free Expression Myanmar (FEM)

FREELAND Organization

Future Light Center

Human Rights Educators’ Network

Karen Human Rights Group

Karenni Human Rights Group

Land in Our Hands

Minhla Youth Centre

Myan ICT for Development Organisation (MIDO)

Peace & Development Center – Meikhtila

Pluralistic Society

Progressive Voice

SMILE Myanmar

SYNERGY – Social Harmony Organization

The Seagull: Human Rights, Peace & Development

Thu Kha Mein Institute

Women Development Society