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Redes por la Diversidad, Equidad y Sustentabilidad A.C. (REDES A.C.) is a Mexican civil society organisation that was founded in 2004 with the aim of weaving networks of collaboration between individuals, communities, organisations and territories in the field of community-based and Indigenous communications.

Its main objectives are: 1) to foster an enabling environment for communication processes to be developed, strengthened and sustained, and 2) to create the conditions to enable Indigenous peoples to have their own means of communication aligned with their own principles and values, as well as to have access to non-Indigenous media without discrimination.

To achieve these goals, REDES A.C. focuses its work on:

a) Accompanying communities in the design and implementation of their own communications strategies.

b) Carrying out advocacy to ensure that public policies and regulatory frameworks recognise the autonomy and right to self-determination of communities and Indigenous peoples.

c) Promoting processes for the systematisation of experiences and applied research that responds to the needs and dreams of communities.

d) Promoting the creation, dissemination and preservation of content developed by communities themselves through participatory processes.

e) Building technical, organisational and community management capacities through training programmes and spaces.