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Rococo BarCamp will gathers collaboratives practiciens, geeks, researchers, artists, and community workers around this theme:

AccidentalLinking: "Common ground, shared solutions" We invite you to our unconference, to share insights, wisdom and

knowledge, and learn from others about collaboration, creativity and self-management.

Meetings on Collaboration, Creativity and Self Management

May 2007 18th to 20th at SAT, 1195 St-Laurent, Montréal (Metro St-Laurent) Québec, Canada

The agenda is collaboratively decided on the spot, so everyone can take

part. All attendees participate; presenters and audience merge into one.

You are welcome to create your own session, to make "accidental links"

with people from many other disciplines, and benefit from fortuitous

meetings to share investigations and solutions.

Join us for three outstanding days to identify ideas, issues, learnings,

questions and new best practices. Share with wiki users, social media

developers, community practitioners, digital artists, students,

activists and entrepreneurs and find answers to our common concerns.

for more info see :