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Universal Human Rights on the world of ideas and has the right to freedom of expression by Beyannameasine. This right includes a person's müdahala any ideas, information, and to explore without any limits thought, and to transfer to Purchase and the other Tools. [1] Freedom of expression is represented in society, any censoring or limitation, information and ideas about transferring the problem is not with individuals. And individuals themselves can be expressed without any pressure, presence of social ethics, the subject of development and renewal of mind needed to provide a significant contribution to reconciliation and the social and. Freedom of expression, religion and other basic freedoms, that person's freedom as well as the Religious Freedom of Opinion and Expression to edit the basic point that separates the right to existence is like. Freedom of expression in society, no religion, and association of persons in the Field to express themselves clearly, this is why the right of the Intellectual Freedom American Library Association, 2006 Year to (can not think can benefit from Office: 206 - 09). Freedom of expression has been lost for a period of John Stuart Mill, on Liberty Freedom () On any known people under pressure have to explain what is a study to explain the comments by filling Owner. Mission Mill'in freedom of expression, and social development progress in accordance tr basic needs. Freedom of expression is not possible because in a Community Facilities for the emergence of the problem is limited. ) Offer (Mill 1991: 25 contributions are the People in any exposure Olmadan potential missing and wrong to disclose to talk to press for and the community in different sectors have different views. Freedom of expression, discussion of ideas as a result are analyzed and livable kapasmı this comment, or mixed on the way to the left than right current results of the epic with the other side of missing a step to set out to be. And the idea is open and free is not the promise to transfer the permit, the actual benefits, improper advantage, such as loss of the morning to a few of the people is not possible. as to develop and resolve the issue is not [2] Date of most samples, homogeneous structures her days changing conditions is connected. Just turn on the dogma and opinions of the timing is not criticized. Mill'in in this matter is an idea with bile, the actual needs of the sons for this opinion ratings (Mill 1991: 40) It is important that criticized . sohbet sponsored project
