How can the internet of things (IoT) be used to promote environmental justice? On Thursday, 21 September, APC will dedicate its monthly #EcoThursday initiative to exchanges around this issue through our social media and platforms. We'll be joined by Open Culture Foundation (Taiwan), Media Awareness and Justice Initiative (Nigeria) and Colnodo (Colombia), who will be sharing their experiences at a local and regional level, from using data to monitor air quality to working with community networks, governments and other stakeholders in advancing environmental justice.
Join us with the hashtags #EcoThursday and #IoTEnvironment, on 21 September all day, by sharing content on your preferred social media. We'll be using Twitter-X, Facebook, Instagram and apc@mastodon.social.
At 13 UTC, we'll host a Twitter-X chat with questions and answers with the APC network, and anyone else wanting to join.
This #EcoThursday is a follow up on a workshop on the same issue, that you can listen to here: