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“The architectures of online harassment” was the first in a two-part post that described the context and motivations of Tactical Tech’s work addressing the problem of online harassment through the lens of interface design. In this second post, I describe the results and outcomes of the workshop developed by Caroline Sinders and myself. Caroline will also independently publish a post detailing the methods and processes developed for this workshop and its results.

Caroline has been working with design-thinking approaches to understanding the architectures of harassment, and we were keen to apply this with a group of people working on and experiencing harassment online.

“Design thinking” is an array of techniques that broadly involves participatory methods for taking apart and understanding problems; it may involve approaches like prototype-building; iteration; in some cases, design thinking can also be about developing solutions, or for conceptual clarity. (We’re not referring to the corporate applications of design thinking, nor the struggles in the business world about whether design thinking is “over” or not.) In this workshop, we applied design thinking as an approach to collectively building out stories to understand the problem of harassment from a different perspective.

Read the full article in .