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COAST Trust and Equity and Justice Working Group, in association with 31 coastal NGOs in Bangladesh, organized a seminar “Risk of Climate Change: Loss Compensation” at National Press club .

This seminar is objectively organized to discuss ‘climate change risk and loss’ in Bangladesh, raise mass awareness on climate change impact and demanding compensate on the eve of UN CoP 13 to be held in Bali from 2-14 December, 2007.

COAST Trust and Equity and Justice Working Group, in association with 31 coastal NGOs in Bangladesh, organized a seminar “Risk of Climate Change: Loss Compensation” at National Press club .

This seminar is objectively organized to discuss ‘climate change risk and loss’ in Bangladesh, raise mass awareness on climate change impact and demanding compensate on the eve of UN CoP 13 to be held in Bali from 2-14 December, 2007.

Renowned economist Dr. Quazi Khalikuzzaman, also one of the lead authors of IPCC recent assessment report, country’s climate experts, policy makers from the mainstream political parties, civil society groups participated in the seminar and call the global leaders to keep on KYOTO commitment.

The speakers pointed that Bangladesh is no way responsible for global warming but would face severe consequences like permanent inundation of country’s 17 percent land area, 50 percent reduction in national agricultural production etc which certainly will slow-down country’s economic growth and MDG achievement.

In this perspective, speakers in the seminar demanded compensation of climate change loss of Bangladesh from the countries who largely are responsible for carbon emission and global warming.

In relations to this seminar, COAST and Justice Working Group(EJWG) has developed 6 policy briefs for educating and sensitizing mass people on the climate change impact. Md. Shamsuddoha, Secretary General of Equity & Justice Working Group presented the key note paper and Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury Executive Director, COAST Trust and Convener of Equity & Justice Working Group moderated the seminar.

please follow the media links;

Daily Star

Pressure developed countries to implement Kyoto Protocol

New Age


Bangladesh should ask developed countries to compensate

Financial Express

1.8m tonnes of crops lost to natural disasters this yr…

News Today

Climate change may reduce agri production by 50 pc

New Nation

Govt urged to prop up for coming disasters

In relation we have released six briefing papers with data on grass root impacts, you will find and down load those from our website links as follows;

Factors of Climate Change: Global Warming is the Major Ground

Sea Level Rise and Environmental Refugee in Bangladesh

Measures to Combat Climate Change: the Koyoto Protocol

Climate Change and River Erosion in Bangladesh

Salinity Threatens the World Heritage: The Sundarban of Bangladesh

Increasing Salinity Threatens Productivity of Bangladesh

For more other information on us and our campaign you can visit or



AHM Bazlur Rahman-S21BR

Chief Executive Officer

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication


Member, Strategy Council

UN-Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN GAID)

House: 13/1, Road:2, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207

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