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Television and radio broadcasts were suspended yesterday, and back in full-swing again. Meanwhile, bloggers have quickly responded by setting up community sites to let the news out.
Television and radio broadcasts were suspended yesterday, and back in full-swing again. Meanwhile, bloggers have quickly responded by setting up community sites to let the news out. One such site is 19 Sept, licensing their work under public domain (which is interesting…)

The insistence of freedom to express and inform seem consistent with some civil society’s rejection of the coup despite being united against the presidency of Thaksin. Below is a statement by the 19 September Network against Coup d’etat.

Statement from "19 September Network against Coup d’etat"

According to a group of persons under the name "Administrative Reform Council (ARC) under the Democratic System", had staged the coup d’etat and remove the power from a government elected under the constitution that was drafted by the people. Abolishing the constitution, harassing the media, and putting an end to the independent agencies are regarded as acts of abolishing the parliamentary democracy system. This act will lead to the outcome like the previous coups that had happened in Thai society in the past.

We, "19 September Network against Coup d’etat", are consisted of social activists, students, and regular citizens are opposed to the way of building democracy through the point of the guns. There is no such thing as building democracy through destroying democracy at the same time in the world.

We wanted to state that:

1. We do not accept the political power of the military in intervening with the democratic system, by saying that they have intervene to solve the social conflict, since we see that the political conflicts and freedom of expression under the constitution are normal in democracy. The role of

the military is not to solve the political problem by coup d’etat. Such an act reflects the lack of political awareness and is regressive for the developments of democracy. Any political solving processes should happen within the scope of laws and constitution, under the international democracy standards.

2. We ask the military to return back to theirs divisions and bases; and stop their involvement in the coup d’etat process. And stop intervening the basic rights of the people; such as freedom to expressions and bring the political procedures back regular period before the coup d’etat (19 September 2006)

3. We would like to invite people that are against the coup d’etat to express their thoughts through:

* Express through using black color as the symbol (wear black shirts, tie, or arm)

* Turn on the front lights of your car during the day

* Organize talks and discussions on democracy within the family, company, organizations, friends, and at schools/universities.

* Meet and gather peacefully and openly on Friday 22 September 2006 at the water fountains, Siam Paragon (Please wear black) from 6.00 pm onward.

19 September Network against Coup d’etat

(Issued: 20 September 2006)
