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A new report from APC and Hivos looks at ICTs and environmental sustainability in 2010 in 53 countries, six regions and through ten expert thematic reports. We invite you to a virtual launch of the report and chance to talk with the book’s authors.

2010 is rivalling 1998 as one of the world’s hottest years and saw one of the worst natural disasters ever – the flooding of huge tracts of Pakistan. Yet climate change has been relegated to the bottom of the political agenda in just one year and media interest was more intense around Wikileaks than the latest UN climate change conference in Cancun which finished December 10.

Climate change and e-waste are urgent matters of huge global importance.

APC and Hivos will hold a virtual book exhibition and chance to a talk with the book editor and contributors in SecondLife on Monday December 20.

And anyone can attend – no matter where you are in the world.

Where and when?

The launch will take place in SecondLife on D-Island on Monday December 20 at 2pm GMT at the D-Island Exhibition Area

Come prepared for presentations, a chance to talk to Global Information Society Watch 2010 authors and people behind the initiative and mingle at the virtual bar. The temporary exhibition can be visited now or at any time after.

Why an online virtual book launch?

Anyone with decent connectivity and relatively strong computer can attend the international launch and visit the exhibition any time afterwards, with no need for passports, visas, VIP passes and much lower carbon emissions.

APC is an online progressive network and we are always looking for new ways to work and interact online. This exhibition is part of an experiment to see what we might do offline, online, saving thousands of carbon emissions.

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Here’s some useful information about computer requirements and creating an avatar

Find out more about “Global Information Society Watch – Environment and ICTs”:


Areas of work